
Jen Petraccone,
RYT, 200 HR
Additional Certifications:
Children's Yoga Teacher and Teen Yoga Teacher

Mother to four, elementary guidance teacher/counselor and yoga enthusiast. I’ve always been athletic and enjoyed high intensity, fast-moving sports. I took my first hot yoga class about 16 years ago just after my third baby and I didn’t think I would like it. Not only was I physically challenged, the mental challenge was invigorating. With the busy and hectic lifestyle that I lead, I became immediately addicted to savasana. I love to share my passion for yoga and fitness with all those around me. I believe it is our duty to spread positive energy in this world and remind ourselves that everyone has a story.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Sara Bilardo,
RYT, 200 HR

Mother to 5 boys (one is a fur baby). I know it's crazy. I’m self-employed and a jack of all trades, master of none. Always looking to learn and grow and find balance, I think I finally found it; Yoga. I’ve always been a pretty active person but at times have found it difficult to obtain a healthy balanced lifestyle. I started to explore yoga about 7 years ago and never looked back. I turned to yoga when I found myself losing control. As a full time working mother of four I often found myself getting sick and feeling tired and drained. I was miserable and needed help and guidance. I had read about the many benefits of practicing so I decided to try it out. I was just going through a career change that became very demanding. I quickly noticed that my health was being affected and I knew I had to do something. Yoga was my saving grace. I wanted something that was not only physical but I craved the mental stability that was missing from my life. I still remember in the beginning stages of my yoga journey how captivated I was by the physical and mental components of the practice. I never experienced that with any other workout or class. I was hooked. The integration of physical, mental and spiritual components had me captivated. This was the missing link that I needed. I continue to learn and grow. I want to help others see their full potential. Learning to live in the present moment and having no regrets. Making mistakes are all part of the process, they help us grow and make us better and wiser.